Telecommunication Cable Services
Capability for structural analysis, testing and installation engineering of optical fibre telecommunications cables for cable system owners, installers and users.
Cable Structural and Installation Analyses
Detailed cross-section and installation analyses to ensure optimal cable design and operation.
- Cross-section structural analysis for telecoms cables using in-house BPP-Softcore software
- Cable laying and retrieval analysis using in-house software called CLARA.
- Subsea on-bottom stability analysis
- Free span, vortex shedding and seabed interaction studies
- Evaluation of cable and repeater performance or failure occurrences

Cable Handling & Repair Analyses and Advisory Services
Specialised engineering services for:
- Cable laying, retrieval and repair analyses using in-house CLARA software
- Procedures development for cable handling
- Witnessing loadout and installation including oversight of quality assurance activities

Forensic Examination & Testing
BPP has a fully equipped laboratory to carry out forensic examination and testing of defective or failed telecoms cables and ancillaries.
- Forensic inspection and Root Cause Analysis of cable and component failures
- Identification of failure points
- Quantification of risks, including likelihood and consequences
- Evaluation of cable condition and integrity

Shore Approach and Land Based Cable Sections
Design, analyses and advisory services for complex shore approaches, cable landings and land based sections.
- Analyses and option selection for shore approach engineering (e.g. ducts, trenches, pull-ins)
- Development of safe shore landing procedures
- Evaluation of shore landing oceanographic conditions and advisory services for optimum paths.